VU.CITY London is being rapidly adopted to address fundamental questions around planning and development: what will a development look like, who will it affect, and how?
Our complete 3D digital model of London is helping everyone in design and the planning process organise, visualise and analyse the potential of a development in the clearest and most accessible way, to make the best decision possible for the capital.
The Greater London Authority's (GLA) London Plan sets the city’s planning framework with policies relating to the massing, density and height of new developments. These apply across every borough and a 3D digital platform, such as VU.CITY, can demonstrate the much-needed context and impact of every new project in a visual and easily digestible way.
VU.CITY London is the largest, most accurate interactive model available of the capital, helping the built environment make better, faster and more cost-efficient planning and design decisions about the city’s future. VU.CITY London covers the entire 1,619 sq km to 15cm of accuracy, with a combination of functionality and data.
Over 80% of London boroughs already use VU.CITY: improving pre-app through open, transparent conversations about density and height; giving planning submissions and committees better insight on how a scheme will work in context; and allaying anxieties by helping citizens understand a scheme’s impact and merits in public consultations.
Architects such as Foster + Partners, BDP, Allford Hall Monaghan Morris, Bennetts Associates and Farrells have also seen the many benefits of using VU.CITY on projects. VU.CITY London has helped them improve communications with clients, win contracts, and create an inclusive narrative with all stakeholders – local authorities, project teams, politicians and communities – on how schemes will work and succeed.
Consented Schemes Timeline
Realise a site’s potential by viewing and assessing recently consented developments across London
Test Massing
Assess multiple initial massing options at an early stage and GEA potential quickly.
Import Designs
Easily import your designs from external 3D software (such as Revit, Rhino, SketchUp & 3ds Max) into the model of London and test how they will work in situ.
Sunlight Analysis
Quickly view and assess the initial impact of light from your proposed developments.
Camera Studies and Presenter Tool
Conduct high-level townscape and visual impact assessments. Agree on key views to analyse further. Select key views and confidentially present your proposals to take stakeholder on the journey of design.
Zone of Theoretical Visibility
Save time by eliminating unnecessary views for analysis. Understand where your scheme can be seen from and which views are critical to assess.
Annotate with Tags
Mark up comments and actions and easily collaborate on a site or scheme with project team members.
Scope, Design & Collaborate
VU.CITY's project collaboration space, the Hub, allows you to seamlessly communicate with stakeholders, to make better design & planning decisions, faster.
London View Management Framework
There are some important views across London, from parks and other public spaces that take in important buildings. These important views are visualized in VU.CITY London so you design schemes in these areas with clarity on height restrictions.

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Building Age Dates from Colouring London
Air Pollution Data from 2013
Air Pollution Data from 2016
Air Quality Focus Areas
London Bedrock
London Boroughs Boundaries
Conservation Areas
London Brownfield Sites
London Planning/London Development Database (LDD) points
London Flood Risk Areas
London Green Belt
London Housing Zones 2016
London LVMF Extensions
London Land Registry Query
Listed Buildings
London Ofcom Internet speed
London Opportunity Areas
PTAL - Public Transport Accessibility Levels
St Paul's Height Grid
TfL network
TfL Cameras
TfL Emission Zones
Wimbledon Masterplan
Savills House Prices 2017
Barbican and Golden Lane Estate Conservation Area
Heritage at Risk
Locally Listed Buildings
Protected Squares
Statutory Listed Buildings
Energy Performance Certificates
Scheduled Monuments
City of London Monument Views Policy Area
Drug Crime
Shoplifting crimes
Southwark Designated Open Spaces
Southwark District Town Centres
Southwark Major Town Centres
Southwark Opportunity Areas
Theft from person
Tower of London Local Setting Boundary
Vehicle crimes
Annual Average Household Income 2021
Article 4 Direction 2017
Article 4 Direction 2022
Conservation Areas
Deprivation Index 2021
Existing Enhance Routes
Flood Risk 0.1m
Flood Risk 0.3m
HS2 Extended Homeowner Protection Zones
HS2 Safeguarding
Neighbourhood Areas
Neighbourhood Town Centres
Places of Local Distinctiveness
Population Density 2021
Safeguarded Gypsy and Traveller Sites
Site Allocations
Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation
Statutory and Local Heritage Listings
Waste Sites

Can't see your area? Get in touch.
VU.CITY is constantly expanding in coverage.

Create smart cities the smart way
VU.CITY helps organise, visualise, and analyse city data in the clearest and most accessible way to make better decisions.
VU.CITY covers the whole of London and 25 major UK and international cities.
Transform design and planning
Quickly identify and appraise sites. VU.CITY's visualization, design functionality and planning data, allow you to optimise your designs.
Build trust and collaboration
Now everyone involved can have a clear, universal understanding of what’s proposed and why, in a single, secure place. VU.CITY makes decision-making democratic and fair.
Remove barriers and minimise risks early. Have confidence in your designs and plans. Increase buy-in for project success.
Test out ideas in situ, from one building to a masterplan. Create your vision and submissions with confidence.
Collate site information in one place
Communicate complex spatial arrangements

Make documentation stand up and stand out
Speed up planning conversations
Strengthen relationships
Create winning submissions

Discover where there is potential for change, and help everyone easily understand what’s involved and why.
Collate site information in one place
Communicate complex spatial arrangements

Speed up the planning process
Speed up planning conversations
Strengthen relationships
Create winning submissions

Reduce guesswork and unwanted costs – make the right decisions for the right outcomes, faster.
Appraise site capacity and viability, faster

Save time and costs through collaboration
Reduce planning uncertainties; increase buy-in
Speed up the planning process with better informed decisions
Sell or lease earlier to realise profits sooner

Understand designs and plans with ease, and make decisions with clarity to benefit your city and your communities.
Make the best possible decisions, quicker
Collate site, scheme and planning information in one place
Standardise decision-making

Have informed and transparent conversations
Improve how you consult on policies and plans
Understand the cumulative effects of planning changes