The generative design tool that is reducing site and design feasibility risks, and increasing confidence on sites and designs right from the beginning.
Frustrated by the hours spent on feasibility? Anxious about a site's potential and need answers fast?
SiteSolve’s got you covered.
Designed by leading structural engineers, Ramboll, SiteSolve's powerful AI technology gives you the site and design answers you need, fast.
Enter your site, set your criteria, and in minutes SiteSolve will generate massing options that fulfil your site’s potential. Evaluate multiple sites in the time it would take to do a single feasibility study on one location.
Use technology to explore 1000’s of potential configurations and find the ones which best meet your needs.
Get instant technical feedback to drive design decisions and eliminate risk.
Refine and optimise your design to the criteria that matters to you.
With the power of VU.CITY and SiteSolve combined you can get an even more accurate answer. With VU.CITY’s contextual and planning functionality set the parameters of your site, then with SiteSolve generate the massing that meets your needs.
Armed with the best massing option, assess them in an immersive context and securely share it with the project team, clients and investors.

Make better decisions and rapidly discover site feasibility in a few clicks!
Explore, evaluate and optimise building development options and test them in VU.CITY's accurate and interactive digital twins.
No more site insecurity
Perform detailed capacity studies on dozens, hundreds or even thousands of different sites.
Eliminate risks by getting detailed technical feedback in seconds, not days.
Compare different design options and outputs, including GEA, number of units and embodied carbon estimates.
Refine and optimise your design to the criteria that matters to you.
Visualise the impact of your design on the surrounding environment in VU.CITY.
Appraise site capacity and viability, faster

Save time and costs through collaboration
Reduce planning uncertainties; increase buy-in
Speed up the planning process with better informed decisions
Sell or lease earlier to realise profits sooner

Reduce site insecurity
Rapidly explore thousands of design options to discuss with the project team and Planning Officers.
Understand the constraints of your site, including height, density, protected views and use the planning data layers to understand the feasibility and impact of your scheme.
Visualise your designs in the context of the surrounding environment and collaborate with your team using VU.CITY to find the best solution.
Appraise site capacity and viability, faster

Save time and costs through collaboration
Reduce planning uncertainties; increase buy-in
Speed up the planning process with better informed decisions
Sell or lease earlier to realise profits sooner

Overcome tedious iterative feasibility work and win competitions
Save time doing speculative work for clients on sites by harnessing the power of generative design.
Optimise for different criteria and test different strategies to ensure you are making the best decisions.
Showcase your ideas to your stakeholders using VU.CITY's visualisation tools.
Have more time to spend on the creative work.
Collate site information in one place
Communicate complex spatial arrangements

Make documentation stand up and stand out
Speed up planning conversations
Strengthen relationships
Create winning submissions

Eliminate aggravating hours spent toiling over plans that won’t work
Evaluate more sites than ever before and effectively understand how to deliver the best projects and strategies for your community.
Scenario test policy decisions in moments.
Make the best possible decisions, quicker
Collate site, scheme and planning information in one place
Standardise decision-making

Have informed and transparent conversations
Improve how you consult on policies and plans
Understand the cumulative effects of planning changes

VU.CITY covers the whole of London and 25 major UK and international cities.
Transform design and planning
Quickly identify and appraise sites. VU.CITY's visualization, design functionality and planning data, allow you to optimise your designs.
Build trust and collaboration
Now everyone involved can have a clear, universal understanding of what’s proposed and why, in a single, secure place. VU.CITY makes decision-making democratic and fair.
Improve outcomes
Remove barriers and minimise risks early. Have confidence in your designs and plans. Increase buy-in for project success.

"Sitesolve has been a key delivery partner supporting us on a first-of-a-kind pilot project to analyse and appraise a large volume of potential development sites in London. Sitesolve is a powerful tool driven by a very experienced team that enable us to gain an in-depth understanding of the portfolio, providing excellent results in a short amount of time and cost-efficient way"
Candice Lemaitre
Commercial development Innovation Lead,
Transport For London

"SiteSolve speeds up and simplifies the development of a land use design. We get numerous different options for a draft during a project meeting when traditionally it has taken several days to make different drafts."
Pohjola Rakennus
Explore how SiteSolve can work for you